Contact Us

We are available to answer any questions during working office hours Monday to Friday. We aim to respond to all enquiries within 48 hours and you can now contact us in the following ways:

Email - (please include your order number (eg: #PF12345678 if your enquiry is regarding an existing order).

Live Chat - Click the chat button at the bottom right of our website. (9am - 2.30pm - Monday to Friday)

Tel - 0808 1966 266 (9am - 2.30pm - Monday to Friday) - We are switching to a new phone system, our phone line will be back before the end of April. 

Alternatively, you can also contact PoundFun™‎ on evenings and weekends via our online contact form below. PoundFun™ is the trading name of 1eCom Group Limited. 

Contact form